
I'm back!


Po dlhšej pauze sa opäť hlásim z pochmúrnej, zimnej Kodane. Jediným lúčom svetla, ktorý na chvíľu preťal sivotu bežných dní, bol Copenhagen Fashion Week AW17. Užila som si ho o to viac, že som po prvý raz fotila aj pre zahraničné magazíny (hoci Fashion Map je stále najvačšia moja láska) a viac sa oprela i do fotenia street style. Tým 'užila' vlastne myslím 'behala po Kodani, fotila do neskorého večera a potom do rána editovala fotky' haha - ale milujem to! Ten vibe v backstage, prehliadky s inštaláciami, ktoré rozpovedia príbeh, pestrofarební blogeri v uliciach - už teraz sa neviem dočkať ďalšieho fashion weeku!

PS: Ak zháňate parádne miesto na zimné fotenie, pri ktorom nechcete umrznúť, sklenník botanickej záhrady je odpoveď! V Kodani je prístupný verejnosti zadarmo a rozhodne tu nie som posledný raz!

Long time no see from gloomy, chilly Copenhagen. The only ray of light cutting through the grayness of everyday life has been the Copenhagen Fashion Week AW17 lately. I've enjoyed it even more than usual, because this was the first time I've been shooting for Scandinavian and American magazines (even tough Czech Fashion Map is still my biggest love) and got more into street style photography. And by 'enjoyed' I actually mean 'ran around the city, shot til the night and edited pics til the morning' haha - but I love it! Creating fashionable backstage stories, having goosebumps during fashionshows and trying to take the best storytelling pic from the streets flooded by fashion bloggers - can't wait for the next fashion week!

PS: If you're looking for a nice place to shoot in the winter, and you don't wanna freeze out, a greenhouse of a botanical garden is the right answer! There's one with a free entrance in Copenhagen, and this is not my last time here, that's for sure!

bomber and trousers: H&M // hoodie: Urban Outfiters // purple velvet top: Weekday // turtleneck: Envii // sneakers: Nike // glasses: EyeBuy Direct

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